About Me

Hello! I’m Eliza Kapinski. I’m 22 years old and recently graduated from the University of Wisconsin Madison; I earned a Bachelor of Science in Neurobiology and a Classical Studies Certificate. Despite my love for science, I’ve always had a passion for all things creative. For YEARS I’ve considered starting my own creative side business, but it never felt like the right time. Apparently, COVID decided to change that. And thus begins my endeavors with Serge Ahead Sewing. Welcome, and enjoy your stay!

My Story

I come from a long line of seamstresses. My great grandmother was infamous for her ability to fix nylon stockings using a technique called darning. Her daughter, my grandma, had an entire room dedicated to sewing. The inside of the cabinets had racks for all her different threads, meticulously organized and never tangled. This passion and dedication was then passed onto my mom. Her skills on a sewing machine produced countless, beautiful Halloween costumes for my siblings and I. She tackled any challenge I gave her, be it Legolas from Lord of the Rings or the year I wanted to dress up as a giant box of popcorn. 

These three generations of women taught me three essential lessons: 

  1. You can make just about anything from a needle and thread.
  2. Crafting things for the people we care about is the purpose of creative passion.
  3. Inspiring others to be creative is one of the most fulfilling objectives you can achieve.

That’s why I’m here. I want to create not just for me, but for you. I’m ready and willing to take on creative challenges. My goals don’t just end there, either. I want to inspire you to create your own dreams yourself. 

Sewing has become a dying art over time, and I feel it’s my duty to prevent its decline as much as possible. I have found solace in sewing for years. It’s a skill that can be practical, yet beautiful, simultaneously. Allow me to show you what sewing is capable of. And most importantly, what you are capable of.