
Embroidery Hoops

Galactic Hoop #1: Star Trek

I am probably just as much a Trekkie as I am a Star Wars fan. I really like Spock as a character, and decided to use his catchphrase and symbol for this piece! Although not as clean as I’d like, this was one of my first actual embroidery hoops, and my first time trying satin stitch. I used a metallic light silver for the stars.

Galactic Hoop #2: Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

The phrase “Don’t Panic” is very dear to my heart. My sister and I hope to get shared tattoos of it at some point because it has a lot of meaning to us. I felt really conflicted coming up with the design for this one, since there’s so many wonderful icons that can be included. The falling whale and bowl of petunia’s is a fantastic scene, so it felt like the right choice. It may not be as well known as some of the other fandoms out there, but I think it’s just as deserving of praise. This piece includes satin stitch, backstitch, chain stitch, running stitch, french knots, and some creative manipulation to make a bow with thread! I got a lot of good practice while stitching this!

Galactic Hoop #3: Star Wars

To anyone questioning my love for Star Wars, I highly recommend you look at some of the promo I’ve done for the movie theatre I worked at (still under the portfolio tab, just a different sub-tab). The Falcon is one of my favorite symbols from the entire saga. I decided to go with a classic quote, “May the force be with you,” and embroider it in gold thread, like it deserves. The satin stitch I did here is not as clean as it could be, but it was one of my first times trying it out.

X-Files Themed Hoop

I made an X-Files themed embroidery hoop for a dear friend who loves the show. I found some glow in the dark floss and did the entire thing in that! Most of it is backstitch or french knots since the thread I used was only one (thick) strand. I also painted the hoop in glow in the dark paint. The design was inspired by a Liam Ashurst drawing.

Night-Time Forest Hoop

My first hoop on my Etsy account! The forest is done in black embroidery floss, with the stars in white. The background is acrylic paint in an ombre style. It goes from white to navy. This is one of my first mixed media experiments!

“Purple Rain” Hoop

This hoop was my first experiment with fluffy texture! I used a special type of fluffy yarn (typically used for baby blankets and such) that can be manipulated into looking even fluffier. The background was paint was shades of purple, pink, gray, and white. I added a small amount of silver metallic pigment around the lightning to give it some shine! The lightning itself is just white embroidery floss in a split stitch.

“You Are Magic” Hoop

My older sister recently finished the comedy writing program at Second City. One of the lines she wrote for their final show was more wholesome than funny, but it stuck with me nonetheless; “You are magic!” As a small celebratory graduation present, I made her this hoop that says those words. The background was gray with gray, white, and purple acrylic paint to make it look like marble. There is a small piece of felt where it says “are” but otherwise everything is all embroidery floss. The hoop itself is purple with an added layer of a glitter paint to make it shiny.

“No Rain” Hoop

I made this hoop for my mom’s birthday. She loves the song “No Rain” by Blind melon, so I captured the bee girl from the music video on the front. I wrote a lyric from it on the back in sharpie. The bee girl has a few 3D elements such as the ribbons on her shoes, the rickrack tutu, and the wire for her antennae. The hoop is painted with yellow and black stripes with yellow and black ribbon. The word “Beelieve” is in golden metallic floss. Overall, I was really happy with this! And so was my mom! And surprisingly, so was Blind Melon! I tagged them in my post and they commented on it. So that was pretty darn cool 🙂

Tardigrade Hoop

Inspired by the lyrics of the “Tardigrade Song” by Cosmo Sheldrake, this embroidery hoop aimed to celebrate the resilience of tardigrades! They’re microscopic water bears that can survive just about anything. I challenged myself by doing a font out of french knots for the word “shrubbery.” Link to the song for those curious! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCkSr0ugTIM

Embroidered Patches